International SOS Alert System

 Subscriber   Publisher   Email   Notification    Consulting


Our client is the world’s largest medical and travel security services firm, who hosts nearly two-thirds of the Fortune 500 companies as clients.

Top features of the alert system:

    • Automatically sends latest proprietary worldwide medical, travel security information and advice to the travelers.

    • Travelers can anticipate problems, look after their safety and minimize disruption to their day to day activities.

    • Travelers can change the subscription preference from anywhere includes mobile and web access.

    • Multitenancy support.

API Gateway
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The application is designed to be handled ten thousands more subscriptions, easy sign-up and alert methods are integrated into the system backends with the medical and travel security services firm. 

    • Analyzed client’s requirements and provide mockups and wireframes.

    • Build the system with multi-tenant infrastructure.

    • Integrate client’s alert API.

    • Use the state of art technologies to deliver the large volume of the alerts. 

Tools & Technologies Used:

    • Reactjs

    • Java

    • Ajax

    • HTML

    • CSS

    • Mailgun

    • MongoDB

    • SMTP

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